Geography Insights: NO - AGD

Quick Stats (Rolling 48 Months)

68Home Players
109All Players
319Winner WPPRs
1,661Total WPPRs
103Geo Rank

Player Personas

This Geo   PersonaInt'l Avg
Those who travel and are ranked in the top 2,500.
Those who travel and are outside the top 2,500.
30%Local Supporters
Those who go to multiple events but don't leave their home geography.
Those who went to one event and haven't (yet) returned.

Tournament Data

This Geo   Event TypeInt'l Avg
Events where 60%+ of the field are WPPRtunists.
Events where 30%+ of the field are Travelers.
50%Local Supporters
Events where 50% of the field are Local Supporters.
Events where 20% of the field are One-Timers.
20%Mixed Personas
All remaining events which indicates a mix of player personas.

Traveler Geographies

In the past 48 months, players who call NO - AGD home like to travel to:

Tournament Sizes

In the past 48 months, tournament sizes in NO - AGD:
Player Count# Events% EventsInt'l Avg

Top Tournaments & Events

In the past 48 months, the top 50 events in NO - AGD:
58780Kristiansand Pinball Open: Main 2023-03 Mixed Persona 92.78 51
58778Kristiansand Pinball Open: Strik 2023-03 WPPRtunist 42.93 42
58777Kristiansand Pinball Open: Stern 2023-03 Mixed Persona 39.13 56
58776Kristiansand Pinball Open: Warmu 2023-03 WPPRtunist 29.32 49
58775Norwegian Pinball Championship 2 2023-03 Mixed Persona 25.24 39
58819Kristiansand Pinball Open: Lefto 2023-03 WPPRtunist 12.72 34
65808HighScore Monthly Tournament Nov 2023-11 Local Supporter 9.71 19
65798HighScore Monthly Tournament Sep 2023-09 Local Supporter 6.43 15
60560HighScore Monthly Tournament Apr 2023-04 Local Supporter 6.31 12
60559HighScore Monthly Tournament Jun 2023-06 Mixed Persona 5.81 12
58774High Score - Monthly tournament 2023-03 Local Supporter 5.62 21
58779Kristiansand Pinball Open: Late 2023-03 WPPRtunist 5.02 21
60561HighScore Monthly Tournament May 2023-05 Local Supporter 4.83 11
65806HighScore Monthly Tournament Dec 2023-12 Mixed Persona 4.44 9
65876Highscore - Special season kick 2023-09 Mixed Persona 4.09 10
62386Highscore - Summer Tournament 2023-06 Local Supporter 3.92 13
66415Spillmesse 2023 Pinball Tourname 2023-10 Local Supporter 3.59 13
58133High Score - Monthly Stern Army 2023-02 Local Supporter 3.08 10
55692 High Score - Strikes December M 2022-12 Traveler 2.66 11
64790HighScore Monthly Tournament Aug 2023-08 Traveler 2.13 11
55691 High Score - Warmup December Ma 2022-12 Traveler 1.86 6
52641 High Score - Stern Army Monthly 2022-09 Local Supporter 1.56 19
52640High Score - Stern Army Monthly 2022-09 Local Supporter 1.51 12
53366High Score - Monthly Tournament 2022-10 Local Supporter 1.04 13
49816High Score - Monthly Tournament 2022-06 Local Supporter 1.03 12
51603High Score - Stern Army Monthly 2022-07 Local Supporter 0.72 7
53367High Score - Monthly Tournament 2022-11 Traveler 0.51 6
62354HighScore - Gratulerer med dagen 2023-05 Traveler 0.50 6
49815High Score - Monthly Tournament 2022-05 Local Supporter 0.50 12

Top Players

In the past 48 months, the top 50 players in NO - AGD:
IDPlayer NameRankPersonaPointsEvents
41361Frank Nilsen 376 WPPRtunist 113.16 6
25Reidar Spets 115 WPPRtunist 109.62 6
734Linus Persson 112 WPPRtunist 103.75 5
103Helena Walter Higgins 208 WPPRtunist 98.79 5
48224Torkel Husom 840 WPPRtunist 89.51 6
41363Per Sindre Larsen 1300 WPPRtunist 85.65 6
72866Henrik Friden 540 WPPRtunist 76.75 5
32081Kjetil Bauer Seeberg 829 WPPRtunist 57.87 6
33151Olav Hjelmstadstuen 1071 WPPRtunist 53.08 7
22762Morten Søbyskogen 298 WPPRtunist 47.65 8
1456Adam Higgins 439 WPPRtunist 47.56 5
553Øyvind Møll 1502 WPPRtunist 46.15 7
71346Kim Degerth 396 WPPRtunist 44.34 6
5856Jeremy Dorling 146 WPPRtunist 40.58 6
81694Daniel Hedblom 1740 WPPRtunist 39.36 21
62670Espen Andresen 390 WPPRtunist 39.33 8
8542Atle Holden 859 WPPRtunist 38.50 6
31163Hervé Pierru 232 WPPRtunist 36.27 6
94097Trygve Gundersen 2914 Traveler 35.92 25
1905Thomas Stenbäck 704 WPPRtunist 30.61 6
94098Frode Gundersen 4278 Traveler 28.54 25
84216Magnus Bech 1498 WPPRtunist 28.01 5
10536Simen Dørum 2806 Local Supporter 23.83 27
1864Claes Wikner 1036 WPPRtunist 23.34 5
53929Sigurd Husom 2870 Traveler 20.10 7
43022Vegard Klykken 2111 WPPRtunist 18.99 7
14367Kjell Erik Husom 2275 WPPRtunist 17.57 7
74163Solfrid Nordmark 1681 WPPRtunist 16.37 6
89380Jens Olav Bakkland 5384 Local Supporter 16.19 24
69189Øzger kocdemir 1801 WPPRtunist 15.56 6
88756Knut Slang 4527 Traveler 13.90 7
81178Bent Broklev 1267 WPPRtunist 13.74 5
89384Kurt Johansen 4555 Local Supporter 13.48 12
1869Mats Holmqvist 276 WPPRtunist 13.35 5
80357Jo Arve Furland 3692 Traveler 13.17 6
29977Sigurd Aftret Mørtvedt 1762 WPPRtunist 12.85 7
89378Håkon Puntervold 6721 Local Supporter 11.41 15
40649Svein Tjeldflåt 1449 WPPRtunist 11.27 7
53677Andreas Calkin Hansen 7706 Traveler 6.76 4
14114Jesper Pedersen 8534 Local Supporter 6.34 7
62747Kristoffer Fleddum 11747 Local Supporter 6.30 4
23696Tom-Andre Andersen 2405 WPPRtunist 6.05 6
90702Tue Bundgaard 11930 Local Supporter 5.15 12
89381Ola Uleberg 12494 Local Supporter 4.78 8
86125Oscar Friden 7395 Traveler 4.08 6
102139Sigurd Holter 10654 Local Supporter 3.69 2
96334Mia Gundersen 9925 Local Supporter 3.53 9
1472Frode Hansen 14366 Traveler 3.19 7
62668Liv Vedseberg 6699 Traveler 2.98 6
58205Camillo Löffler 10730 Traveler 2.97 3


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Code Version 2.0.0
Data Extracted Through: 2024-03-29
Database Last Refreshed: 2024-02-25

Notes and Acknowledgements